About Us
Until January 2024 the Supporters’ Trust was the majority shareholder in Newport County AFC, making the Exiles one of a handful of supporter-owned clubs in the English football pyramid.
While more than 100 Trusts hold equity in their clubs, the Newport County AFC Trust was one of just a handful of EFL clubs owned by its supporters.
One of more than 140 Supporters’ Trusts around the UK, the Trust is an affiliate member of the Football Supporters’ Association, the national, democratic, representative body for football supporters in England and Wales.
The Trust was originally formed in 2001 and took a controlling stake in the football club in October 2015 following a community share issue that saw County supporters raise a magnificent £236,000 in just a month.
Before 2024 Newport County AFC had been a supporter-owned, community-based club.
In January 2024 Huw Jenkins OBE became the majority shareholder and Chairman of Newport County AFC, and took hold of the reins from the Trust.
The Newport County AFC Supporters’ Trust still own mighty chunk of the club, and have two of its’ directors sitting on Club’s Board – to liaise with topics brought forward by our members, and vice-versa.
As a Trust member your ongoing support will help ensure our ongoing influence in a fanastic football club.
The Trust is run on a day-to-day basis by a board of volunteer directors elected by its members.
There are various ways that YOU can help YOUR Trust:
- Join us as a member here or the Club Shop (or Rodney Parade on Match Day)
- Do your on-line shopping via www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/ncafctrust
- Offer your skills or services
- Ask your employer if they would be interested in becoming a Corporate Member
- Make a donation or send us your thoughts and ideas to info@ncafctrust.org

“I want to do whatever I can to ensure the long term success and sustainability of the Trust and the Football Club.”
“We owe it to them to keep their voices heard for as long as it takes, or as long as we can!”
“I believe that working in partnership with others, we can make a significant difference to the way the Trust is presented to the fans and the wider footballing community.”
“Communication is key to the successful operation of any organisation. It is vital to ensure there is no disconnect between the Trust and members.”
“Whatever role I can turn my hand to I would engage with it enthusiastically and try to do it to the best of my ability for the benefit of the Trust and its members.”
“I believe that this is important as at some point in the future it may be that the Trust becomes the majority shareholder and resumes management of the Club, and the Trust needs to be prepared for that eventuality.”